Updated Mid-June 2015


         Boots is a very affectionate well mannered kitty.  He is a wonderful Russian Blue color with white chrome.  Very handsome!   

He likes to sleep in a cozy spot like a box.  His current favorite sleeping place is a box in the laundry room but Boots would very much like a promotion to "Bed Kitty."  

His purr is deep and rumbling, a very soothing sound.  Ever wonder why the sleep CD makers don't record a cat purring to soothe people to sleep? Boots would make a great recording star!   Boots is applying to be your personal sleep coach!







623-386-6381   Buckeye AZ

Pixie ] Scooter ] [ Boots ] Shoelace & Snuggler ] Wuzzy ] Invisible Kitty ] YumYum & Tamale ] Silver ] Great Cat Of Ra ]